mardi 23 juin 2015

Paying to get all the unlocks in video games

In multiplayer I doubt it's a good idea. Because it's going to be pay 2 win and I doubt the community will be happy.

But for single player I doubt it would be a problem. But I'm not sure if people would complaint a lot. In the case they do, it is not a good idea. In the case they don't, cash for us.

It would be very profitable for the money order if well spend of course. Want to keep the regular money? Things like this need to be done.

Of course this is while the cars are moving because when it stop no need to do that. No need to do anything if my theories are good.

Why the salute ala Hitler and the Nazis

We are at war and God is on both side. He let us defend ourselves and we will.

So we can do many thing to defend ourselves and one of this thing is keeping our organization clean from the spy and the traitor.

So with my party and my Royal State, I suggest that sometimes the King which is me salute the whole place and they will follow to show their commitment. And also to show that they are with us and we are together well unified. That's my way and my guess for now, I hope the science and the proof of my intuition will follow in the future.

The salute sing should be said or call: Glory to God and The Red Party or The Red State.

It will be possible that other high rank does this salute time to time, we'll see later and you can use your own judgment and knowledge.

We are also going to vote on this, it need to pass by good majority. Those with science may advance.

The rumour pretend that Adolf Hilter is one of my bro and a Terrian. I'll will for sure do like him a lot and like my family. First reason is because I pretend that if he got the knowledge and if he got the staff with high knowledge, he know what to do. Second, I really like my bro and my family. I could even call my organization or movement the 4th reich is it's what I think it is, we'll see.

About the hiding of the pretty girls

The pretend on my check that because I'm 24, which is the only difference almost sexual slavery, I should not have a big check.

Now what they pretend themselves as the chef d'état, Homer and the police, ask me for years now to make sexual slave and say as one of the argument that I'm cheap.

Now I expect from my estimation that 60% of the girl of my age are hot on tv and even more in real. Which 25% of them ultra hot or supreme.

So it mean that 60% of this guys on tv fuck that each morning.

Now I'm suppose to be the hottest guy and you claim that because God don't let me see my girls I should live with the ugly all my life with internet and movies and music?

No no, no way. As long as God give me the opportunity to not be there, I won't.

Also, I know why they did this and why they do that. And do I need to say for being rich?

lundi 22 juin 2015

To my potential doctor


First, it is quite normal that I'm going to seek for doctor that has nothing to do with what happened to me. So the best first and so on.

If I make something great like a King, I'm going to try to have the best to survive and like I said in the cosmos, the reason why I'm asking that is more for the income I bring to the society than my well being that I won't hide it is very important to me.

So I want to let you know, that it appear that most likely I'm going to stop drink, eating and smoking. This said, I'll try to have the best water possible and I'll need you to find it. Also I'm willing to inject me everything is needed to get rid of my disease and this even if it need to be inject all day. Finally, I even seek for mechanic heart and other cyber stuff and even body transplant.

I'm also volunteer to research but take in mind that it need to be very well targeted research because I'd be very important for the society health and income.

For the pay, we're speaking about communism on income but there is a lot of social advantage. If socialism pass, there will be a lot of cash but remember, our society will go to carpooling and other stuff like that could be absolutely needed.

Thanks for reading, Good Luck and Thank You for the good work.

dimanche 21 juin 2015

My crafting survival game

The game start with a CGI intro.

The announcer is show with a microphone and than say:

Dear competitors, you have been chosen and volunteers for getting back your right from the society that excluded you for the crimes that does not pay. You will be send on Optimal Sixty and you'll need to survive, conquer, trades and find the exist so you can join again our great and prosperous society. Good Luck.

So than the menu appear. Choose profile or create one. Another menu appear, Start a new game on existing server, start a new game on a new server, continue, options, credits and exit. When start a new game is push, there is 3 options to click: computer newbies, Survival genre newbie and experienced in survival. Options one will give a little background in video to FPS games and computer games with the survival newbie video than. The second option will open a video in Youtube that show the basic of my survival game. Advanced video can be found in forums and official website and this is said in the video. The experienced will just get a loading screen with keyboard layout that stay and need to be click continue when loading is finish. A box will be able to be check to load automatically next time the loading is finish. Before the loading screen there is the quick match button and the server browser. Quick match will find the best server for the players. Continue game will rejoin this server. And browser will have the most common option for survival games: History, favourites. Also there is a queue system on all servers, so it mean that if the server is full, you go in a queue. The start a new game on a new server is an official servers that start each day or so. So you get in a queue and you have the time and date it will start with email notification 1 hour before it start.

The game start with the player in a POD with a armtablet computer ala fallout. The pod shake and lot and land on Optimal Sixty. The door open and a coffer open with a bottle or water, a pickaxe and a bandage. There is no separate gauge for food and water in my game, same for both. And it will look like Ark for the rest but no dino, monster. And of course full of stuff I need to think of and be develop by other PEOPLE THAN ME WITH GF AND CHILD.

The console wars and pc

I don't recall that we're in full nationalism. We're in false and capitalistic interest nationalism. I doubt it's democratic but I say that most people in the upper class are in.

So I don't think it's really a problem that Microsoft make a deal with Epic games to have exclusivity but I doubt it's not a national problem. Epic studios in my idea is surely an American studio and not the private property of Epic or Microsoft. Which btw I know could be two cover name for large organization. So our studios, our games.

Now it take time to make port, so take the time on great games.

If my idea is needed, it appear that exclusivity won't be anymore. And unless they do a lot of great graphics cards like I have and console, it's going to be one of the console or pc MAX. The reason to that is wealth rate is too high when you own more than one console or a console with pc. I make you remember that in my idea, pc and console appear to not even be possible. Smart phone is make more sense for now and until the production grow a lot and make more pc and console at once.

Edit: I forgot to say that even here it's too rich. I say that I'm too rich right now with a laptop and a good pc. One of another is more than enough. Plus I got an Xbox360 and there is 2 large tv in house plus 2 Ipad. This is a joke. 

samedi 20 juin 2015

Good to add to the last post

That if he would do that. I would make a Royal State and do almost the same as elected. And the R system could be needed. And a lot of people will fall so the organization of Québec, they all fall if God do that with me. And I cencus the whole Québec. You are now a Québecers only if he does that.

Emperium Victoria to me is a big God joke.

So God say he give me Emperium Victoria and what I'd do with it he ask. I have no friends and I would start than.

Why your with your wife? Most likely because she in a good social situation. She have money, she got it from héritage. Why a great leader have workers? Is it because God give him money?

I just want to point that it's quite lame from my enemy like Landy to say that I have no friends nor any support because I suck and because everybody hate me when I know that I have recieve 0 at 5 years old plus the cock cut while I presume if he is a great leader could have receive millions and this each year again millions.

Now God say I give you Emperium Victoria. So I say give me 300 000 0000$ right now in my bank account. He say, don't you exagerate? I say, you claim the other leaders does not have thousand of people that they pay? He say: Got me.

So I think it's clear that if God give me that I'm going to have friends and music quick.

This said it is important to make you note that I don't want to live with 10 super cars, I just want to have a good life and friends and is it the price on earth for a guy like me to have that. Could Landry and other great leader have a good life without that been give by God.

While I'm not sure it work like this on earth and so Landry just say it does not work like that he does not have that money, HE THAN CLAIM that it's democracy and intersupportation that make it work?
Ummm that's even worst if they want me, they are going to start support me for their own sake after 33 years of let down and the worst thing happens to me?

I think also it show how God lie and don't want to do that with me or it's them that try to make a King for the interest. So I'd be the King and they would own the cash.

Getting paid is a devine right

Getting paid is a very important aspect in the Realm of God. No doubt, it's how mankind to not say the whole universe work. It's possibly one of the main aspect of life in the universe.

I say that God gave us this right when we all born. I say that God or the Devil also give the right to the evil to take away this right to some people with trick that can go as far as magic trick.

I could have posted this in The Great Terrian Family but since this thing goes well with my interest for now, I would post it here, so public text.

In addition, I say that on earth you can ask for payment for your work or anything some people want from you. It is good to point that in some situation, where this right has been taken away from you, it could be dangerous to ask to be paid. This is call slavery by the way. Unless it's a good organization that ask you that.

How my hospital would work and how it would work in my organization

So I'm thinking about this for the first time as I write this.

There is always a Master Chief in my organization so in my hospital. He will be in charge of the hospital and take care of everything and most importantly be the link with me or my Royal State. He is free to take the staff he need to make it work and he should be aware that a maximum quantity for his staff could be made by me or The Royal State. He should also be aware that hémogénie could be in soon for better administration and efficiency of our healthcare network.

First the emergency. This is the same as now. They take people that need that urgent. They take first the ambulance and they take first the very important patient that need to be cure or save from death or so. They have the staff for normal use and if the demand is getting higher the other staff of the hospital need to give hand. At best and I guess, some staff of the hospital that does not work at emergency normally should be form and aware of how it work there at the emergency. Good to say that the ambulance staff has a guide for who can get in and can't. Those who lied are reported to my millice. For how much staff is needed at emergency, time and xp will tell us.

Than come the appointment service that let you take appointment with a general doctor instead of going to the emergency. The acceptable delay is not aware of me for now but let's say for now that 1 month sound maximum. My guess is that any patient almost(but the great people and the doctors) need to see a general first and than the general will send him to the specialize.The general can send the patient to the psychiatrist or psychologist. 

Now I'm not aware about specialization. I need a class on that. And my General Of The Bureau Of Healthcare will make the slider about what specialization should get first, have more staff and have more brain time in the science or the State and The King.

Of course nurses are needed. They can me men or girl. The General will tell how much nurse they can have for the hospital size. It could also be to the Master Chief to pronounce on that. Nurse are not motel, there is an explanation to citizen about that in society and in hospital(On official paper). My millice will deal with those that think they are there for massage.

It is important to say, that for some specialization, they are classed. Especially in beauty class. Especially for sex and childbirth. They need to be classed in age too. It is not important to be very classed but it could be possible that my class pretty would be with pretty. But no ugly doctor or even plus and pas pir with belle.

My guess is, there is a chief of each department of the hospital: Nurse, ambulance, general, surgeon and so on. There is a hierarchy tree and a contact to do about that and it would be similar to my State. Like in all my entity there is complaint possible and suggestion. Complaint can be done to the Chief of the hospital with rating so he can tell if it's important or not and than if minor should be sent do minor Chief. There is a way too to contact my State, The General of the Bureau and other High ranked of the State.

There is also the scientific research that goes there. There is Bureau in The State for that. All human resources of the hospital need to follow the guideline of this Bureau.

I guess that mental health hospital would work the same.

They can be men or girl for all post as far as I know.

A card is needed, but the computer can tell if the citizen got a card. If the card is not in hand or if he/she is not in the computer, I let him die. If the hospital say that I'm too wicked by doing this(I'm not wicked, I'm axé and correct) it can do at their will for now and we'll see later.


For how it work in the nation or the society. Well everybody got a card with photo that need to taken each year or so and he/she need that to have hospital access. For now, it's the first that call that come first but here in Québec, I'd say the best and in my Realm, it could be the best too. Corruption on this part of the society could be worth a lot.

That's it for now. I add in edit as I think of it.

Marking for Vavle

I found a Valve video hosted by Twitch on Nofrag that give info about Steam and especially for the beginnings to the half because I did not watch the rest about Marketing or said Shipping for them.

So God want me to give my opinion about this video. So here it is:

Low to medium level class and info. Or low level marketing. What I mean is, the best marketing way is hidden and there is stuff that is not said that could lead you to sell your product.

High level citizen is more than aware that there is organization here that have point to respect to be with them. Example, the food market: To hide that you can feed with water to some people and to eat and drink. Example: ARK: Survival Evolved. And there is a lot more organization, there is also the consortium that ask you to be in to hide all information almost publicly unless the citizen is invited in a secret order or organization.

Than come the social network of people. For gaming industrie, one of the relevant network would be a group of hardcore gamer that are willing to answer to your questions. So the question will be, is our game a matter of interest in a selected hardcore gaming group. For new blood in the gaming world, or new gamers that will buy product of our industrie, I'm not aware of how I could do it but I guess that a very good trailer like the one of Portal show in the video of this article could bring us new blood. I guess that good trailer could be our chance. And social agent could help us to make them: Example, Raymond Lemieux tell us that most kids want to be superman, and so on. Good to point that I'm not a crook(I'm not saying I don't steal) and I don't go in the direction of the false ads with unfair cgi that represent the game in a trailer. Your risk btw!

Than come the ciment owned market share: You got a organization of 100 000 citizen that want video games. Now, an entity has been chosen to make the games and the theme will be chose by this entity or other leaders and it will for sure sell. It got to be a good product in most case of course.

So I'm not sure why God force me to write this. And if I need to say what do we do now, I'll say that: We keep our market share if we can but capitalism is in huge trouble. I'm not aware of what is going to happens so I can't say more for now. Btw I'm in the centre and not at the right, that's my stuff and my opinion. God said rich, not extremely mad fubar rich. And he also said wicked with some diabolic on the side, he did not said MASS RAPE. (Steam refund, good start imo) May God be with us.

mercredi 17 juin 2015

How my pump would work out of no knowledge almost and how I pump in a river

Because I know how work an engine piston and it was important for the creation of one of my pump.

I'd need a program to make drawing to show what I mean. Otherwise try it with words...

So I made in my mind with God two pump. The first pump was for pumping water with a gas piston. And I guess that this pump could also be use for oil hydrolic pumping. The second pump is an electronic pump for pumping water for a town.

The first pump is with a gas piston. I guess that if an electric engine can do like a gas fire do, it could be an electric piston. So the piston has an end that could push something. It will push a disc in a tube. In the tube there is two hole. One exit and one enter. Each of it has a door. When the piston reach a level, it open a door and close an other one. The door close the holes. So when the enter door is open, the water get in, than the piston move more and the door enter door close, the exit door open and the disc is push to the end. Than the disc come back and the exit door close and the enter door open... I admit that I need to find a system that will open and close door and most likely it could be connected to the piston but could also be a simple hook on a structure. The piston push and when it hit the structure, it retract. And a spring could be use to open the door again or an other hook on structure. I need to work on that I admit. I'm about sure that oil could be in the system so it would be an hydrolic pump instead. Of course water or any type of fluid I guess. I doubt I would pump gas for now because I'm afraid it could fire.

The second pump, I made it out of an idea that I found in a video. I think the video is misinformation but it gave me idea. When I say I think, it's because I don't understand how the water is push by the impella. It could be pressure that push it, in this case I don't need my idea of an impella with palms. So I'd do the same thing as the video but the impella got palms that open on the side of the water enter and close at the other side. To make them open and close, it's the same as I said about the doors in the first pump paragraph. I admit I could need to work on that but I should find a way to make it work. So the palms push the water on a side and this make pressure I guess. I have no clue how the impella turn, I have no clue how a electric motor work.

And how I pump in a river:
My solution is a bac that is dig near the river. 3 meters large and 6 meter wide. There is like 6 filter in the 6 meters wide. Each filter can be remove with a hydrolic pump(First pump!?) and the filter need to be wash. I was thinking about high heat washing. The reason to that filter is the fish and the rest of the animals that could stuck the pump water enter I have describe in the second pump paragraph. So of course when the water have pass the 6 filter it goes in the second pump entry tube.

Want a drawing?

vendredi 12 juin 2015

Script for Dune HD

Start with Emperor face talking. They're all in CGI as I remember.

With the Power Of God, The house will have the opportunity to fight to have Dune. Any house have now the Imperial right to land and settle on Arakis. The house that bring us, the Imperial, the most spice will be supported by the emperor and its army of very feared Sardakar. There is no rules is how the house can achieve it...

Movie of Caladan and its nice ocean. A drone view would be good. Go to the town from the ocean and reach the castle where it close up to

mercredi 10 juin 2015

Ce que j'ai besoin comme Forum

Quoique les forums comme php bb sont bien, ils ne sont pas de mon goût et pas assez puissant.

Donc mon forum est en thread. Il ressemble beaucoup à celui de Reddit mais pour les sections des forums ou sub c'est comme phpbb.

Il y a un avatar pour chaqu'un d'une grosseur deux fois plus grosse que forumfr. Ça peut être une photo de l'utilisateur.

Il doit avoir une photo de l'utilisateur sur quelques angles dans le profil. Le profil ressemble à celui de Gamespot. Remplir sont profil est à la discrétion de l'utilisateur mais prôner par moi.

Il y a beaucoup d'information qui peut être remplis dans le profil:
Date de naissance
Ville, province et pays
Boîte pour information de 300 mots
Évidement comme Gamespot une photo central
Des album de photo perso ou tout autre
C'est tout pour le moment, je dois en oublier.

Les épinglés et autres messages officiel collapsable.

Un bon système de email notication. Donc quoted, intervention dans le fils. Suivi de section. Suivi de message de certain utilisateur. Il pourrait aussi avoir une notification à la gamespot dans le forum avec un son pour les nouveaux message si la tab du fureteur est ouverte.

Son quand on tape et enter. Optionnel.

Évidement la possibilité de mètre des photos et vidéos. De choisir la grosseur de l'affichage et l'endroit, comme Gamespot.

Pour ce qui est du thread:
Ligne rouge entre les section
Up ou like, pas de down
Sortage en like, nouveau et utilisateur amis et bien d'autres
Les nouveaux message en jaunes. Bouton pour allez directement au nouveau message comme la recherche de mot dans Firefox.

Live prévisualisation ou obligatoire optionnel.

Page nouveau fils. Page nouveaux messages.

Signe à coté du nom de la section du forum sur le nombre de nouveaux fils et messages.

Overclick prévisualisation du fils.

Peau officiel et plein d'autre peaux au choix.

Bon alors ça devrait être bon pour le moment, je vais en rajouter dans un édit de cet article avec mon développement mental...

Règles de mon Forum...

Dieu me demande de faire un Forum privé pour mes amis mais en passant je doute que je vais en avoir un jour. Donc, suite à de l'info de quelqu'un sur les niveaux de sécurité, je ne veux pas un Forum SecureX pour le moment et je vais me contenter d'un Forum déjà fait et des protections sur le marché.

Les règles du Forum sont:
Pour toutes sections sauf Trollage, il est interdit d'avoir un comportement de troll ou de foutage de gueule. Le Forum est un endroit sérieux pour discuter. Quoique les blague sont permise, un fils ne peut devenir une connerie à happy face.

Pour ce qui est des guerre inter utilisateur, ils doivent rester en quelques sorte correct l'hors de leur guerre et ne pas s'insulter. (Un peu comme ce que je fais là sur les forums que j'ai)

Tout les membres ont été invité par Mat Marceau. Donc un problème entre deux utilisateurs peut être régler par Mat Marceau.

Mat Marceau est modérateur en chef. D'autre modérateurs équitable et sage pour être sélection dans le futur.

Mat Marceau fera la modération au jour le jour pour tout en voulant montrer ce qui est correct. La raison de la modération sera écrite dans l'intervention et aussi envoyer dans le Forum comprendre la modération.

D'autre règles ce rajouterons dans avec mon développement mental.