vendredi 22 avril 2016

A message to the implant maker

God appear to like it and have good words for it. So in this case, I'm for it somehow. Also, I see a great future for it.

But God keep saying that he is going to give me much more power and so negotiation power.

This said, if I take the power, I could keep your production. But you guys will need to respect these points:

  • No way that a men touch my sex, that include the brain part
  • You need to secure my implant my way
  • You need to give me news access and vote right

See cosmos talking to know how I want to secure my implant.

mardi 19 avril 2016

My score formula for vehicular combat games

Damage dealt will be the most important factor. Than come the kills and the assist.

35 damage on 100 total armour vehicle give 35 points.
A kill give 20 points.
An assist 12 points. (You need to have damage the target 15 sec before died.)

Pretty simple formula that will give the elite the opportunity to have good score. And also the score will reflect the real thing. It will also give credit to team players that way.

I'm trying to start a forum like The Vestibule on a new network and here the rules

For those that could be interested.

First it's going to be in French most likely so I don't understand why God make me write this in English.

Than it's pretty similar to The Vestibule. So no porn, no decadency or any other uber bs.

The forum program will be similar to The Vestibule with some new stuff and function.

The major by eyes difference is that content will be posted and information. Also, a photo of the user need to be in the profiles. Or even photos of the user. Sex an age won't be hidden.

Everybody is welcome but the moderator and the forums owner reserve the right to kick people that are not good to us. Everybody but the fags and the high criminals.

You could be able to connect on it via the internet. The reason why it's also going be on other network if I can is because I claim the network is going to crash with the collapse.