lundi 27 mars 2017

My though on human intelligence...

I got not much things as an intellect background on the topic beside the IQ science that say that most people are the same beside a small minority.

I'd say that I agree that a large part of the population are quite the same but I expect something like 20% of the population to have a greater intelligence.

And before I talk more about the topic, I want to say, and this is important, that the IQ science and test are not good for now for what I know of it. It could be good, but for now, with the info I got about this I cannot say they are good. It's not the test that define the intelligence, but the intelligence that define the test: I say Mr.X is smarter, we look at the result and we know what is going on. Not some kind of little game that is going to say who is smarter.

Now it is important to say about intelligence that, for example, the vast majority that are quite the same at the end for me are different. Some can manipulate computer easily than other and some other can build stuff easily than other. Also, some appear to be have default and it may make look them dumb while they are normal. Normal people have quality and default.

Let's take for example my semi-brother and my quarter-father: Simon may look very dumb because he does not take care of his health and because he do it all for crack but in my book, the problem here is not he is dumb but he has a fault that prevent him from abusing the crack drug. Robert is kind of slow with the computer and this may make him look dumb in a modern society but he can build a tempo shelter easily. In my book, both are normal and very intelligent life form with default.

Now for the smarter people, I guess they can understand stuff that normal people cannot. This is unclear for now because I don't know much people. Yes, I talk to many people but they hide everything. We'll see later...

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