mercredi 17 janvier 2018

An aptitude test that make more sense than an IQ test

As a remember, I do not believe that the IQ or this kind of test is a test of intelligence. I pretend that the human intelligence is much more than just that. IQ test and this test is more what I call an "aptitude" test; which is a part of the intelligence.

But the aptitude test is important because it tell if the people can do complicated task and so if he/she is a good candidate for our great production. Also note that it is possible that this test don't test the mathematics aptitudes which is an important point here.

Also note that someone with no experience with gaming could have problems. So the test subject should be familiarized with the video games. 

This game, Mini Metro, is simple, well made and most important funny and I'm sure it give a pretty good idea to the rank people get in the intelligence categories "aptitude".

Now, remember, that for Mak Marceau, for the tested to be well tested, he or she need to LIKE this game. Otherwise I claim that the test is not good. So you show her/him the Steam store page and he she/he is interested, it's a go.

The directive to use this game is: The first game come with the tutorial and the score is not record. The second and so on are record. So you need to tell the user to do the first game and listen to the tutorial and that the score won't be record.

Note that I need test subject to do the base score and the rank and I'm far from having test subject and I can only say that I'm for sure over-skilled and a score of 1053 in London, that I did, is over-skilled.

Hope it help our industries...

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