mercredi 17 juin 2015

How my pump would work out of no knowledge almost and how I pump in a river

Because I know how work an engine piston and it was important for the creation of one of my pump.

I'd need a program to make drawing to show what I mean. Otherwise try it with words...

So I made in my mind with God two pump. The first pump was for pumping water with a gas piston. And I guess that this pump could also be use for oil hydrolic pumping. The second pump is an electronic pump for pumping water for a town.

The first pump is with a gas piston. I guess that if an electric engine can do like a gas fire do, it could be an electric piston. So the piston has an end that could push something. It will push a disc in a tube. In the tube there is two hole. One exit and one enter. Each of it has a door. When the piston reach a level, it open a door and close an other one. The door close the holes. So when the enter door is open, the water get in, than the piston move more and the door enter door close, the exit door open and the disc is push to the end. Than the disc come back and the exit door close and the enter door open... I admit that I need to find a system that will open and close door and most likely it could be connected to the piston but could also be a simple hook on a structure. The piston push and when it hit the structure, it retract. And a spring could be use to open the door again or an other hook on structure. I need to work on that I admit. I'm about sure that oil could be in the system so it would be an hydrolic pump instead. Of course water or any type of fluid I guess. I doubt I would pump gas for now because I'm afraid it could fire.

The second pump, I made it out of an idea that I found in a video. I think the video is misinformation but it gave me idea. When I say I think, it's because I don't understand how the water is push by the impella. It could be pressure that push it, in this case I don't need my idea of an impella with palms. So I'd do the same thing as the video but the impella got palms that open on the side of the water enter and close at the other side. To make them open and close, it's the same as I said about the doors in the first pump paragraph. I admit I could need to work on that but I should find a way to make it work. So the palms push the water on a side and this make pressure I guess. I have no clue how the impella turn, I have no clue how a electric motor work.

And how I pump in a river:
My solution is a bac that is dig near the river. 3 meters large and 6 meter wide. There is like 6 filter in the 6 meters wide. Each filter can be remove with a hydrolic pump(First pump!?) and the filter need to be wash. I was thinking about high heat washing. The reason to that filter is the fish and the rest of the animals that could stuck the pump water enter I have describe in the second pump paragraph. So of course when the water have pass the 6 filter it goes in the second pump entry tube.

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